Logo design / graphical ink drawings / custom silhouettes


graphical DRAWINGS

Are you looking for a logo, or just a makeover of the logo that you already have? Or you would simply like a custom silhouette of (you and) your horse. Or how about something unique: a graphical ink drawing that looks surprisingly real?

More info below or per message.

logo &

About your


About your


About your


Tell me what you are looking for, and we work together on designing your dream logo 🙂 Hereby you get 4-6 motives to choose from and as many versions as it needs

Logo after your photo

Tell me what you are looking for and we work together on designing your dream logo 🙂

Digitalize your drawing

You already have your logo on paper and need it digitalized or some more help with it? Feel free to contact me.

Icelandic horse logo digitalization

Logo Makeover

You already got a logo but would like to get it redone. Contact me 🙂

Available designs

Choose a design that is already available. Of course, it can be adjusted to what you need 🙂


Custom Silhouetts

Get a custom silhouette of (you and) your horse. Hereby, you can either get is as png to use it online or to use it for a plotting machine or printed out to frame it and hang your silhouette on the wall. Send me a message to get your custom silhouette.

Individuelle Zeichnung mit und ohne Abzeichen / Unique drawing with and without markings of the horse


graphical ink drawings

A graphical ink drawing that looks just real – printed out on high quality paper of your choice or to be printed home yourself. Click on the button to find out more about how to order it and see more. examples.